handmade luxury soap & other treats for your skin


Do you need special gifts for a wedding, or bridal shower?
Or perhaps a set of guest soaps for your bed and breakfast?
We can cover that for you... right down to a custom scent, custom colors, and even a custom soap stamp to commemorate your event or location!

Or, are you allergic to a number of ingredients, making it hard for you to find a handmade soap that is perfect for you? No worries! We can formulate your very own private batch, to keep your skin happy!

Do keep in mind that cold process soap needs to cure for four to six weeks before it is ready to use, and if a custom soap stamp is desired, that adds a few more days... so, a good bit of lead time is required.
But it is so worth it, to end up with a product that's perfect for you specifically, and that simply can't be found anywhere else!

A 50% non-refundable deposit is required on all custom orders. There is a minimum of 30 bars per scent/color for a custom order... time is an expensive ingredient, and it takes just as much time to make four bars as it does to make 30!
Please email me at sue@littlemamaproducts.com with your questions! I look forward to working with you!

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